Fort Worth 295 Error

In order to understand the FW295 error, it helps to know some background about the Bureau of Engraving and Printing's operation. The BEP prints U.S. currency in two locations: its main facility in Washington, DC, and the newer Western Currency Facility in Fort Worth, TX. Notes printed in Fort Worth can be identified by two distinctive features: A small "FW" facility mark appears just before the face plate number, and the back plate number is printed in large type. (The plate numbers, which identify the specific printing plates which produced a given note, are found in the lower right area of each side of the note on most denominations.)

During the production of Series 1995 $1 notes, however, one printing plate was engraved incorrectly. Back plate #295, intended for use at the Fort Worth facility, was accidentally engraved with the smaller-size plate number usually used for Washington, DC's plates. The error was not noticed at the BEP, and plate #295 was used in production in Fort Worth for several months.

As a result, all Series 1995 $1 notes printed with this back plate will have the "FW" facility mark on the face, but a small-size plate number "295" on the back--a combination which should not occur. These notes are now known as Fort Worth 295 errors.

These scans show the face and back plate numbers of three different $1 notes. Notice how the back plate number on the FW295 error is smaller than the one on the normal Fort Worth note.

normal Washington, DC note

face plate number
back plate number
normal Fort Worth note

face plate number
back plate number
Fort Worth 295 error note

face plate number
back plate number

Also available is a census of known FW295 error notes, broken down by district, block, print run, and face plate number. If you should find an FW295 error note, please take the time to report it for the census--just send me an email with its serial number and face plate number. Thanks! :)